Sanguinati Hierarchy of Mystic Ministry
Mystic Ministry from highest to lowest rank.
1) Ancients
The Ancients are prominent members of the Sanguinati who have died, and so the Sanguinati believe their spirits are guiding them from the astral plane. The Sanguinati keep the Ancients’ corpses on display throughout Mystic Steeples, while the corpses of the less prominent are kept behind curtained booths and various places throughout Mystic City.
2) Head Vespercestor
Title Pronunciation: [VESS-purr-sess-tur]
The head vespercestor holds the highest rank at Mystic Steeples and in all of Severance, Hoopenfangia. Traditionally, the Sanguinati held a public ceremony called The Great Rite to determine the head vespercestor’s position. Since the LaRocks started gaining power over the Sanguinati, they have kept that privilege for themselves. Currently, Urbanne LaRock, a.k.a. O Enchantedness, is the head vespercestor. Before Urbanne took the position, Venerious Falmoth was the leader of the Sanguinati. Next in the chain of command, after the head vespercestor, are the lesser vespercestors.
The head vespercestor holds the highest rank at Mystic Steeples and in all of Severance, Hoopenfangia. Traditionally, the Sanguinati held a public ceremony called The Great Rite to determine the head vespercestor’s position. Since the LaRocks started gaining power over the Sanguinati, they have kept that privilege for themselves. Currently, Urbanne LaRock, a.k.a. O Enchantedness, is the head vespercestor. Before Urbanne took the position, Venerious Falmoth was the leader of the Sanguinati. Next in the chain of command, after the head vespercestor, are the lesser vespercestors.
3) Lesser Vespercestors
Title Pronunciation: [VESS-purr-sess-tur]
The lesser vespercestors are the top governing body of the Sanguinati and masters of the craft. They hold the second-highest rank, not only at Mystic Steeples, but in all of Severance Hoopenfangia. Traditionally, the Sanguinati held a public ceremony called The Great Rite to determine the lesser vespercestor’s position. Since the LaRocks started gaining power over the Sanguinati, they have kept that privilege for themselves.
Current lesser vespercestors are listed (but not limited to) the following:
The lesser vespercestors are the top governing body of the Sanguinati and masters of the craft. They hold the second-highest rank, not only at Mystic Steeples, but in all of Severance Hoopenfangia. Traditionally, the Sanguinati held a public ceremony called The Great Rite to determine the lesser vespercestor’s position. Since the LaRocks started gaining power over the Sanguinati, they have kept that privilege for themselves.
Current lesser vespercestors are listed (but not limited to) the following:
Drucilla Drayn Hollapolk
She is a lesser vespercestor, as well as the chief counselor to the covens.
He is a lesser vespercestor and the summoner. By the end of Book One, Curse of the McRaven, Mamahchi has taken the role of official admissions officer at the Office of Apprentice Registration. His badge of office is a blackthorn staff.
Yma Le Breton
She is a lesser vespercestor, as well as the official coven administrator.
Mumbazandie LaRock
She is a lesser vespercestor and an abracadabraian.
He is a lesser vespercestor and the high priest. He fasted for forty days and nearly died from starvation.
Scribe Fengurstaph
He is a lesser vespercestor and a scribe. As a scribe, he is the personal secretary to O Enchantedness, and keeps minutes of business meetings and handles correspondence.
Abner Alphonse Cadabranathy
He is a lesser vespercestor.
4) High Priest and Priestess
The high priest and priestess train the abracadabraians, coordinate rituals, chanting, administer leadership, counseling, and teaching to Mystic Ministry, and serves as a mediator to the Ancients. Many still consider them the mouthpieces of the Ancients and give insight and interpretations of the Controssua to the Sanguinati during Convocation or other public gatherings. They used to operate the Clandestine Chamber before it was stolen, and since then, their use and ranking have greatly diminished.
Teddyus Manoj is the current high priest, where he is the chief delegate of the Ancients’ energies at Convocation and rituals.
He trains his abracadabraian to serve as counselor and mediator.
Helga Hayward LaRock is the current high priestess in Book One, Curse of the McRaven. She is also on the council of elders and the last Sanguinati prophetess. As high priestess, she trains her abracadabraian to serve as both counselor to Mystic Ministry and mediator to the Ancients. Her body becomes a vessel for the Ancients to communicate through. She is blind, tired, and ready to retire some of her duties and positions. The high priestess’ badge of office is a coronet of candles.
5) Magistrate of Magic
Magistrate rhymes with: Magic straight.
The magistrate of magic or high court chancellor is the presiding judge of the high court appointed by the head vespercestor. The magistrate of magic has the power to administer the law. He holds preliminary hearings and conducts the high court in both major or minor offenses.
Mordero Freck is the current magistrate
of magic who replaced Ulysses LaRock.
6) Abracadabraians
Title Pronunciation: [AB-bruh-kuh-DAB-ray-ins]
The abracadabraians are understudies to the high priest and priestess and substitutes for them when necessary.
The abracadabraians are understudies to the high priest and priestess and substitutes for them when necessary.
Mumbazandie LaRock
She is the abracadabraian to the high priestess as well as being a lesser vespercestor.
He is the abracadabraian to the high priest as well as being a Sanguinati apprentice of magic.
7) Prophets
Prophets make predictions and often record their inspirations in oracles, which are often included in the Controssua.
Ambergis LaRock was the official Prophetess until her death.
Helga Hayward
Helga Hayward is the only prophet the Sanguinati has left.
She is elderly and unaware of many things due to blindness.
She is elderly and unaware of many things due to blindness.
8) High Court
The high court changes members yearly and is made up of select members of Mystic Ministry who have proven themselves of sound mind and judgment.
9) Council of Elders
The Council of Elders is a gathering of higher-ranking Sanguinati, who function as administrators of the Library of the Council and advisors to the Coven Presidents of Graven Dust, Wormwood Philters, Warlocks’ Bane, Dragon’s Mantle, Snuffinumbra and Cryptic Chambers. They judge issues and disputes among coven members, as well as set policies and establish their budgets and privileges. Coven Presidents are required to report daily to the Council of Elders.
The list of the council of elders includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Drucilla Drayn Hollapolk
She is the chief counselor to the covens and does a large share of teaching and individual counseling. She may perform divination on questions of concern to the covens. A counselor must have previously served as a High Priest(ess) and be experienced with all apprenticeship recruitment procedures.
Elder Westbrook
Helga Hayward
She is an elderly blind Prophetess.
Mumbazandie LaRock
She is an abracadabraian.
Vonda LaRock
She is the purse warden (treasurer.) She collects dues, keeps financial records, makes purchases, and coordinates fundraising projects.
He is is the archivist. He keeps the Controssua up to date, keeps secret scrolls and files of coven projects, activities, and rituals. These functions are sometimes joined with the scribes.
Bessbadora Breaches
She is understudy to Magister Thiery Crypting.
Weatherly Bablatrice
She is the official librarian for the
Library of the Council.
10) Chief Counselor to the Covens
Drucilla Drayn Hollapolk is a lesser vespercestor, as well as the chief counselor to the covens.
The chief counselor to the covens does a large share of teaching and individual counseling. She or he may perform divination on questions of concern to the covens. A counselor must have formerly served as a high priest(ess) and be experienced with all apprenticeship recruitment procedures. The chief counselor to the covens signs the Mystic Steeples apprentice invitations, which includes a list of required uniform robes, magical implements, and spellbooks.
11) Summoner
Thanks to the increased usage of crystaleers and other enchanted communication devices, the summoner’s job has been upgraded (by the end of Book One, Curse of the McRavens.) The summoner now oversees the Office of Apprentice Registration located on the left of the Grand Hall in Mystic Steeples. He passes out information, collects dues, lets potential and established apprentices know when and where to meet, what to bring, etc. Twice a year, the summoner contacts qualified male or female witches over the age of 12, inviting them to become apprentices of magic at Mystic Steeples. Each apprentice receives a scroll listing their necessary supplies for their level. Chief Counselor to the Covens Drucilla Drayn Hollapolk signs these invitations, including a list of required uniform robes, magical implements, and spellbooks.
Eelias Mamahchi is a lesser vespercestor and the summoner. His badge of office is a blackthorn staff. He still occasionally has to summon people outside the requirements of his new Office of Apprentice Registration. The head vespercestor keeps adding more responsibilities to Mamahchi’s workload.
12) Coven Administrator
The coven administrator shuffles between the covens of Mystic Steeples and the summoner, chief counselor to the covens, and the council of elders. He or she receives Progress Gauge Reports from the stargazers and guardians for the process of assigning new apprentices into a coven: either Graven Dust, Wormwood Philters, Warlocks’ Bane, Dragon’s Mantle, Snuffinumbra, or Cryptic Chambers; this is a process known as hiving off, one where the apprentice will undergo his or her initiation into that coven.
Yma Le Breton is a lesser vespercestor as well as the coven administrator.
13) Vigilespion
Title Pronunciation: [vig-uhl-ESS-pee-uhn]
Vigilespion is the elite, highly trained secret agents who engage in espionage, working within the Sanguinati Intelligence Agency. He or she is trained to investigate crimes, often related to the Dark Arts. They apprehend or detain rogue witches. The Sanguinati Intelligence Agency (SIA) is located at the brains of the skull in Skull Plaza on the maps. SIA is the central government bureau, working with the vespercestory. They collect foreign intelligence and conducts counterintelligence actions. The SIA officers remain anonymous to the public.
14) Magisters of Magic
Magisters of Magic are also called theurgists of the magic arts. They are assembly instructors of the highest level and skills. A Magisters or Magisters of Magic is also the term for an academic degree at Mystic Steeples.
* Master is an ancient word used for Magister of Magic, but now it is primarily used by Sorcerers. It is also a title of respect for a male lord or noble used by his subordinates or employees.
Any Sanguinati witch who has achieved magister-level competency in a magical skill and study may earn the title and position of magister of magic. They serve as a valuable resource for the Sanguinati by training apprentices lucky enough to join Mystic Steeples. An initiate may choose to apprentice with any magister of magic.
Magisters at Mystic Steeples are divided into two magister covens of 20-plus members each, not including their understudies. The two magister divisions are the magisters of Buckthorn Hall (the west hall or wing) and the magisters of Toadflax Hall (the east hall or wing of Mystic Steeples.)
Magisters of Buckthorn Hall (West Hall)
Buckthorn Hall magisters are male and female magisters of Sanguinati magic.
They mostly occupy the western hall or wing of Mystic Steeples.
In the western hall, apprentice witches attend a variety of assemblies of a more physical and less mental nature.
He is magister of Divinatory Arts specifically tarot, astrology, palmistry, horoscopy, palm reading, dreamcraft, tea leaves, scrying, radiesthesia, and geomancy. This assembly once used crystal balls before the vespercestors banned them. In divination, the Sanguinati apprentices’ main goal is to develop the third eye in order to solve problems and predict the future.
She is magister of Broom Navigations. She gives instructions from basic to advance broom flying, navigation, and air stunts, as well as the properties of different brooms and their benefits.
In Book One, Curse of the McRavens, Mystic Ministry has downgraded her to work her theurgical duties at Grossatete Sanatorium, because her nerves have been increasingly risking the safety of her apprentices at Mystic Steeples.
She is Magister of Spells and Wand Usage. She gives instructions on bonding and the correct usage of the magic wand to activate spells. She also gives instructions on the properties of different wands and their benefits.
Magisters of Toadflax Hall (East Hall)
Toadflax Hall magisters are male and female magisters of Sanguinati magic who ostly occupy the eastern hall of Mystic Steeples.
In the eastern hall, apprentice witches attend various assemblies of a more mental and less physical nature.
She is magister of Incantations. She teaches her apprentices words of power, charm words, chants, and mantras. Gorgia is also the magister of the Assembly of Ancient Evocation, an assembly offered to magister-level apprentices, where they learn how to conjure forth the spirits of the Ancients.
He is magister of Sanguinati History. His apprentices learn the history of Mystic Steeples, Mystic City, the Sanguinati, the Ancients, as well as the evolution of their magic in comparison to Sorcery and Noctivatian magic and histories. He also teaches the history of Nizzertits or non-magical people. Siegfried is a mentor of Graven Dust.
She is magister of Wortcunning and Herbalism. She instructs her apprentices on how to control and use magic plants and herbs for spellwork, medicinal healing and how to use them in amulets, talismans, oils, and incense. Apprentices also learn how to plant herbs and cultivate them in relation to the moon’s phase and zodiacal position. Assemblies are sometimes held in the Incensory Dispensary or one of several greenhouses around Mystic Steeples.
She is the official witchdoctor and magister of the Assembly of Healing Arts. Along with spells and unconventional remedies, Minty utilizes herbal healing, flowers, aromatherapy, healing stones, vibrational medicine, polarity balancing, and chakras.
Sanguinati apprentices of magic learn from Witchdoctor Kraneswaddle by watching her practice in her office, the Mystic Medicinary, on the tenth floor of the eastern wing of Mystic Steeples. To learn how to treat more serious ailments, or for patients needing long-term care, apprentices observe Witchdoctor Kraneswaddle at practice in Mystic Infirmary, a huge hospital located in Mystic City. The ailments Kraneswaddle treats are usually hexes, curses, and physical afflictions such as diseases. She sometimes tries to cure or trick with bizarre gifts or flattering the disease; if that doesn’t work, she may resort to threatening the disease itself or wrestling the patient. She uses many odd tools such as swords, divinity horns, ivy bindings, gongs, drums, and finger bells known as jingles. Minty Kraneswaddle’s assistant is Pinkie Carriwitch, a.k.a. the matron of Mystic Infirmary.
Sanguinati apprentices of magic learn from Witchdoctor Kraneswaddle by watching her practice in her office, the Mystic Medicinary, on the tenth floor of the eastern wing of Mystic Steeples. To learn how to treat more serious ailments, or for patients needing long-term care, apprentices observe Witchdoctor Kraneswaddle at practice in Mystic Infirmary, a huge hospital located in Mystic City. The ailments Kraneswaddle treats are usually hexes, curses, and physical afflictions such as diseases. She sometimes tries to cure or trick with bizarre gifts or flattering the disease; if that doesn’t work, she may resort to threatening the disease itself or wrestling the patient. She uses many odd tools such as swords, divinity horns, ivy bindings, gongs, drums, and finger bells known as jingles. Minty Kraneswaddle’s assistant is Pinkie Carriwitch, a.k.a. the matron of Mystic Infirmary.
He is magister of Controssua Studies at Mystic Steeples and teaches his apprentices everything concerning the Controssua. The Controssua is the Sanguinati book of essentials. As an archivist (historian), he keeps the Controssua up to date and keeps secret scrolls and files of coven projects, activities, and rituals. These archival functions are sometimes shared with the scribes or presidents of Cryptic Chambers after receiving approval from the vespercestory.
Apprentices stand at attention in Crypting’s assemblies with their Controssuas levitating in front of them, and they must use a Plume of Phoenix to take tests.
In Book One, Curse of the McRavens, Mystic Ministry has stationed Magister Crypting in a position at Grossatete Sanatorium, because his Progress Gauge Reports were low. Any sane magister would much rather remain in MysticSteeples.
He is magister of Magical Multimedia Manipulation for Mediums. Apprentices in this assembly learn the art of arts, and how to enchant and work with enchanted mediums including painting, drawing, photography, and sculpture.
Doolally’s assembly is located inside the mouth of a dragon sculpture, in the Toadflax Hall wing of Mystic Steeples, beside the Gallery of Black Mirrors.
*Note: As in all divisions of the craft, apprentices may only engage the Bound Order of the Zodiac Hexagram and not the Free Order of the Zodiac. In the same manner, the Sanguinati may engage, or channel the Ancients but are forbidden to engage any other dead person.
15) Stargazers
Stargazers are Sanguinati men and women who, by day, operate the Progress Gauges on all witches throughout Severance, Hoopenfangia. At night, they study the stars and galaxy. They convene in an observatory similar to a planetarium called the Seat of the Assembly of Stargazers. They are offered housing in the adjoining tower to the observatory, or they may have their own home in Mystic City.
They wear closed double ruffs that make their bald heads appear as if they were sitting on enormous doilies. These enormous collars help block out distractions and support their heads as they study the stars. They carry staffs topped with their planets’ symbols, usually Saturn.
The list of the stargazers includes, but is not limited to, the following:
He is the mediator to the Bound Order of the Zodiac Hexagram, as well as a magister of Sanguinati magic.
He is a senior stargazer at Mystic Steeples. He supervises the other stargazers. Besides being a magister of magic, Scire is also a member of the concilium: a small group headed by O Enchantedness and his wife, Mahrata LaRock. Their meetings are completely confidential.
He is good at stargazing because his puffy cheeks block out more distraction, giving him tunnel vision.
Mesmerists attempt to put people in a trance known as twilight sleep. They also attempt to channel what they consider as magnetic fluid; sometimes, they attempt this with the laying of hands on the lobotomy region of the forehead and massaging it vigorously. Reported mesmerism effects included tingling or euphoric feelings: intense heat, trembling, trances, and seizures, a.k.a. assault by the Ancients. Mesmerists work in a dark room lit with torches, called The Mission of the Mind of the Mesmerists.
The list of mesmerists includes, but is not limited to, the following: Creighton Crowley’s parents, Alizaba LaRock Crowley and Kingston Crowley.
The list of mesmerists includes, but is not limited to, the following: Creighton Crowley’s parents, Alizaba LaRock Crowley and Kingston Crowley.
17) Guardians
Nicknamed the lantern luggers, the guardians are men and women who serve as sergeants-at-arms, especially if they have shown any ability to conjure the Ancients or foretell future events by any magical or intuitive means. Guardians often have aimed for higher ministry positions or to finish their apprenticeships, but because of some hindrance or poor grades, end up as guardians, serving as safety and security at meetings and rituals. Guardians also assist the stargazers when they conduct diagnostic interview sessions related to the Progress Gauge Reports. Indoors, they check locks and close gates and curtains; outdoors, they guard entry points and patrol the streets. They must have some knowledge of laws regarding the Sanguinati and Mystic Steeples. Guardians work and live in the Esotericum Incantatory, located inside Mystic Steeples, where the corpse of dead Guardian Numinous Vulci guards the entrance to the Incantatory.
Uniform: Guardians wear dark brown wool cloaks with hoods, mostly use magic staffs and the carry lanterns at night.
The list of guardians includes, but is not limited to, the following:
18) Scribes
Scribes, also known as automatic writers, do psychography and perform graphology analysis for Progress Gauge Reports, as well as translate and decode ancient oracles. . . . They also work with the pantomagi in interpreting messages from the Ancients, especially during Convocations.
The list of scribes includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Chief Scribe Fengurstaph is
also a lesser vespercestor.
19) Purse Warden
The purse warden, or treasurer, collects dues for the vespercestory, keeps accounts, makes purchases and coordinates fund-raising projects.
Vonda LaRock is the official purse warden, and she serves on the council of elders.
20) Honorary Nobles
Honorary nobles are select wealthy, aristocratic individuals and families of upstanding Sanguinati heritage. Duchess Lemoine was a former member before her death. The wives of honorary nobles usually refer to themselves as of the House of their husbands’ first name, such as Lockie LaRock: Lady of the House of Vixion. The title and honor given to nobles is a way for the head vespercestor to keep money in his city and at Mystic Steeples.
The Diamone family belongs to the rank of honorary nobles.
21) Grand Enchanted Architect
Ortho Bisland is the only grand enchanted architect. He oversees design and additions to Mystic Steeples and Mystic City.
He is also a lesser vespercestor.
22) Mystic Corporation Officials
Mystic corporation officials are members of the Sanguinati governmental departments, sectors, and branches, which are housed outside of Mystic Steeples. Most of the offices are located in Skull Plaza off Skullhead Street.
The list of Mystic corporations includes, but is not limited to, the following:
The list of Mystic corporations includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Airway Roadway Licensing and Travel Division:
This department is located in Skull Plaza. Regulate broom travel, watch for unlawful free-floaters. Regulate unlicensed beast or carriage travel.
Arcane Archives Taskforce:
This department is located in Skull Plaza a top-secret division of the Ministry that collects and conducts covert research of all known mysteries of the world and astral world, paranormal phenomena, as well as unexplained and strange sightings. The witches employed at the Arcane Archives Taskforce are called deep-seers because of their esoteric research projects, whichare of a classified nature.
Hoopenfangian League for the Control of the Craft:
This department is located in Skull Plaza. They work with Snuffinumbra coven and the council of elders to maintain national relations among Sanguinati factions and a standard of magic usage. They also do annual inspections of magic supply stores in and around Severance, Hoopenfangia, checking for illegal magic tools, spells, etc.
Enchanted Entertainments and Sporting Division:
This department is located in Skull Plaza. They coordinate, regulate, and promote Spurgmulin Tournaments as well as other Sanguinati recreations.
I TAME Pets stands for the Institute of Training and Managing Enchanted Pets:
This department is located in Skull Plaza. They primarily specialize in Familiar training and management.
This department is located in Skull Plaza. They primarily specialize in Familiar training and management.
Magical Mayhem Management:
This department is located in Skull Plaza. This governmental branch investigates reports of improper and unlawful use of magic. Their main goal is to prevent anarchy, disorder, riots, revolts, or terror plots.
National Endangered Beasts and Beings Commission:
This department is located in Skull Plaza. The task force endeavors to protect every wild beast and magical being in Hoopenfangia, along with the few surviving dinosaurs.
Ritual Implements Inventory Department of the Theurgy:
This department is located in Skull Plaza. Sessions and Hilda Diamone work in this department doing daily inventory of ritual and magical implements used by the magisters of magic (also known as the theurgy) in their assemblies.
Sanguinati Intelligence Agency a.k.a. SIA (on the maps SIA is located at the brains of the skull in Skull Plaza.):
SIA is the central government bureau that collects foreign intelligence and conducts counterintelligence actions. A vigilespion is the elite, highly trained secret agents who engage in espionage, working within the Sanguinati Intelligence Agency. He or she is also trained to investigate crimes related to the Dark Arts. They apprehend or detain rogue warlocks and witches.
Severance Alchemical Department Preserving Environmental and Structural Treasures a.k.a. SAD PEST:
Toxic-fume ballooning is regulated by this group as the standard form of pest control. This department is located just outside of Mystic Steeples in Salty Charm.
23) Archivists
Archivists are historians primarily; they also keep the coven Controssua up to date and keep secret scrolls and files of coven projects, activities, and rituals. The scribes often assist archivists with these functions. Magister Thiery Crypting is the chief archivist. He is also on the council of elders and is Magister of Controssua Studies. He has one understudy who assists him.
24) Snake Handlers
Snake Handlers, a.k.a. serpent charmers, are ophiomancers who practice ophiomancy. Venomous snake handling is a prominent Sanguinati ritual performed at Mystic Steeples, usually during Convocations, by highly skilled witches known as snake handlers. The Sanguinati, young and old, are encouraged to chant, work themselves up in a frenzy, and try their hand at handing and charming the highly venomous serpents in the midst of the assembly. Most snake handlers follow strict diets and meditation schedules.
Sometimes they work with the I TAME Pets department, or they work alongside mesmerists in order to hypnotize potentially dangerous animals allowing them to become potential Familiars. Sometimes the snake handlers work with the SAD PEST department when they are called on to remove invading serpents from the Sanguinati’s homes.
25) Firewalkers
Firewalkers perform firewalking by walking barefoot over a bed of hot bones or enchanted stones. They also work at the Firewalker Department in order to put out fires as needed. Their headquarters is located on rainy Pluvia Street next to the Dragon’s Den. Utilizing chanting and meditation techniques, firewalking is sometimes used as a rite of passage, which tests an initiate’s mind over matter abilities. The firewalkers often perform firewalking in Convocation to strengthen beliefs in the power of the Ancients flowing through them.
26) Twirlyurgy
Rhymes with: Twirling early.
Twirlyurgists are magisters of ecstatic dance where the magisters of magic (also known as theurgists) spin around in circles, working themselves into a state of euphoria. This is used to sweep out negative spirits and vibrations, usually before or during Sanguinati events and rituals.
Twirlyurgists wear long beaded necklaces with charms that they skillfully twirl around their necks, causing the charms to produce a high-pitched, otherworldly sound. This twirling and whirring are also believed to work as a vacuum, to draw or entice the Ancients down from the astral plane.
27) Pantomagi
Title Pronunciation: [PAN-toe-Madge-eye].
Pantomagi (plural) or pantomage (singular.) The pantomagi are enchanted interpreters of messages or omens (usually catastrophic) from the Ancients during Convocations, using pantomime and sometimes magic. They never speak and always wear tall hats and lots of enchanted powder on their faces. They look like clowns, according to Houmas McRaven.
28) Wand Guild
On the surface, the wand guild is an organization of wand merchants or craftspersons who give help and advice to its members and make regulations and set standards for the public use and selling of magic wands. They really formed as an underground military with an agenda to protect the Sanguinati because they believe that the Grim Warlock will confiscate their magic implements someday and bring harm to the region.
29) Honorary Candle Lighters
The Sanguinati purchases their petitions from honorary candle lighters who light spell candles for or against select Spurgmulin players. The candle lighters are witches highly skilled at candle magic, and using certain candles along with chants can grant just about any purchased petition from tournament spectators.
30) Mystic Steeples’ Support Staff
Mystic Steeples’ support staff consists of various positions.
The list of supportstaff includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Chief Caretaker: Manages the maid and butler staff at Mystic Steeples. (Name withheld temporarily.)
- Matron: Assists The Witchdoctor and manages Mystic Infirmary - Pinkie Carriwitch.
- Referee: Official Spurgmulin Tournament Referee - Batha Rosenwinkle.
- Chief Librarian: At the Library of the Council: Weatherly Bablatrice.
- Kitchens Management: Various workers.
- Warden: Wognoket is the warden or security guard at Grossatete Sanatorium.
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